Pregnancy Reflections
(First Month)
(First Month)
I started thinking I might be pregnant when:
My husband suggested that we buy a home pregnancy test at RiteAid on November 1st. Normally he wouldn't make the initiative, but since we'd been actively trying to conceive the previous month, I suppose he had his reasons to suspect. =)
I found out I was pregnant when I:
Tested at home using the First Response kit my husband bought for me at RiteAid, sometime after my evening nap.
I felt:
Absolutely thrilled, and a little surprised - could I REALLY be staring at a positive result after only ONE try?!
The first person I told was:
My husband. Actually, I yelled for him to come into the bathroom (at the top of my lungs) because my hands were shaking and I was sure I had made some mistake reading the result.
They reacted by:
Being as thrilled as I was. DH probably couldn't believe it, either, but he looked so happy that I immediately knew this had to be the real thing.
The first ultrasound was:
Taken on December 3rd, during a (third XD) visit to St. Michael's emergency room (as a result of continuing Hyperemesis Gravidarum).
At my first prenatal visit I learned that:
My baby is measuring a week ahead of time (at that specific appointment, I was eight weeks pregnant with the little one measuring in at nine weeks of development)! There was also a steady heartbeat and healthy feedback on the ultrasound screen - all signs point to OK at this point in time. <3
My baby will be born:
Sometime in July of 2007. The estimated due date is still up for discussion - based on date of conception it should be closer to July 14, but the first ultrasound revealed that baby is measuring a week of ahead of time, pushing the date up to July 08.
The strangest symptom of pregnancy I had this month was:
The onset of Hyperemesis Gravidarum after weeks of severe morning sickness. Also, a terribly altered taste of smell, taste, and general feeling - dizziness and bleary vision have become synonymous with waking up in the morning.
My hopes:
That this (my first!) pregnancy will continue healthily to full term. Also, what I wish for more than anything is a lessening of morning sickness symptoms (which have unfortunately progressed to the point of medical condition). =(
My fears:
That a difficult (and by this I mean complicated or health-threatening) 9 months lie ahead of me. The onset of HG has also made me fearful of simple things - being able to eat safely, providing enough nutrients to my growing baby, even just enjoying each passing day.
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